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Monday, April 27, 2009

Strawberry Supreme

On Saturday, I wasn't having the best of days. 
So I said, "Mom, can I bake a cake?" 
Baking and Cooking always make me feel better.
"No, you've had enough sweets for today. Maybe tomorrow."
Well, Sunday afternoon, I started planning it.
It would be a double layer cake with filling.
But when I borrowed two cake pans from Gina Carling,
She thought my dad was making another. To see his post about his cake, click
Well, the middle turned out to be minced strawberries minced and mixed with frosting.
Here's a picture.


Fred M said...

Can I lick it? It looks tasty. When is the party? I'm ready. Ooo I should wait to be invited shouldn't I.

Let me know when you get another bug to bake, I want to be close by.

Mel P. said...

That looks delicious! You must take after your dad.

BRoss said...

Your creativity is amazing to me.

And, your cake was incredibly wonderful. Let's combine our forces to make treats for all the world to enjoy!

Love you,


Becky W. said...

Wow! This cake looks awesome. And your new blog heading picture is TOTALLY COOL!!!! Are you 18 years old or something? I swear you look so much older than last time I saw you. Oh boy!

Girlly said...

Hey can you have ur mom make a post or something on how to put music on ur blog cuz i wana no! I dont know how have tell us were to go to figure it out or u do! PPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE

gina said...

Can you just always borrow cake pans from us and that be our contribution and then we will just reap the rewards? You've heard of the book "The Little Red Hen". That is my kind of cake. Thanks for sharing. It was delicious. Jason loves to cook with you.

Anonymous said...

Looks so yummy! My kitchen is always open whenever you want to practice more of your talents. "Brayden's
Bakery" has a nice ring to it. Let me know when you open it. I'll be the first in line.
Love Grammy A