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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My New Favorite Movie

Last Saturday, I went to the Kaysville Theater. I was going to go see Twilight with a bunch of my friends, but they all had plans.
So, I went there, and regretted even deciding to come without my other friends that are boys. There were ALL girls there. I was in a very uncomfortable situation. Even so, I toughed through. So, the movie started. With a Caffeine Free Coke at my side, a weird lady that was chatting away with me before the commercials at my other, nothing could go wrong. I had already read the books, so I kind of knew what to expect. To my surprise, it followed the books almost precisely! It is now my favorite movie in the world!


BRoss said...

Nothing more uncomfortable than when someone wants to talk with you at the movies, especially someone you don't know. Way to not talk to strangers! Remember, always keep your De-Caf Diet Coke on one side, your brother on the other.

Jodi said...

So, did you like the book or the movie better? I'm almost always a fan of books over movies. It is cool how closely "Twilight" the movie followed the book. Always a good thing!

Timo said...

I totally liked this movie too. And, yes, the theatre I watched it in was filled with mostly girls too. (But I wasn't that uncomfortable.) I thought the actors did a good job. Edward was silent and brooding like I thought he was when I read the books.
